dvdisaster Version 0.70 | To the Internet version |
Hints for storing the error correction filesCurrently there are few exchangeable media technologies which can be a cost-effective alternative to the various CD/DVD formats. So you will probably not only use CD/DVD for data archival, but store the respective error correction files on CD/DVD as well.There is nothing wrong with that, but bear in mind that your archived data and the error correction files are stored on media with the same degree of reliability. When read errors occur on the archived data, be prepared that the disc with the respective error correction file might have aged beyond full readability, too. Therefore it is important to protect your error correction files with the same care as your other data. This is best achieved by integrating the error correction files into your normal data backup scheme. Here are two ideas: 1. Storing the error correction files on dedicated media: If you decide to store error correction files on separate media, it is important to protect those media with dvdisaster as well. To avoid a never-ending chain (error correction files for media of error correction files for ...), try the following: Lets assume that five error correction files can be stored at each medium. Write the first five error correction files to the first medium and create another error correction file for that medium. Now save that error correction file together with four other error correction files on the second medium. If you continue that way, all error correction files except for those from the last medium (which may still be kept on hard disc) are protected by dvdisaster. 2. Putting the error correction file on the next medium of a series: If you do not fill your DVDs to the max (e.g. with less than 4GB for single layered media), you can store the error correction file of one medium on the succeeding medium within a series.
Copyright 2004-2006 Carsten Gn÷rlich. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. |